Tax Day (April 18th this year) is just around the corner! Yep, it’s that time of year again. Most business owners dread tax season, but with the right resources and tools, you can get through it and enjoy some tax savings too!

We’ve compiled some resources to help you crush Tax Day with zero penalties and maximum savings.

Here are 5 helpful business tax resources you’ve got to check out:

1. 17 Big Tax Deductions for Small Businesses (2022)

Did you know that the course you signed up for to hone your entrepreneurial skills could be tax-deductible? This article lists the various tax deductions that you should know about.

Tax deductions can equal big savings for small businesses, so make it a point to know what’s tax-deductible and what’s not.

2. 2022 Small Business Tax Calendar

As business owners, we have a lot of important dates to keep track of. Our calendars are often filled with launch dates and shipment dates, so it’s easy to miss a tax deadline when we’re busy.

This small business tax calendar tells you all the important tax dates you need to know for 2022 along with links to all the necessary forms you’ll need. Mark any important dates on your calendar and block some time to work on your taxes!

3. A Small Business Guide to E-Commerce Sales Tax

If you run an online store, you’ll need to deal with sales tax. Sales tax laws vary from state to state, so it can be quite confusing to navigate. Check out this guide on e-commerce sales tax that’ll help you avoid penalties.

4. 10 Tips on Avoiding Tax Penalties for Your Small Business

The IRS can impose penalties for mistakes made in your tax filing. These penalties can add up and cost your business a bomb! Go through these tips and avoid the common tax filing mistakes made by small businesses.

5. 7 Ways Small-Business Owners Can Save on Taxes in 2022

Whether it’s running a household or a business, saving wherever you can is so important! Any money you save on taxes can be used to scale your business, so check out this article for some ideas on how you can save more.

I hope these resources help you as you prep for Tax Day! All the best, friends!

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