Terms & Conditions

Thanks for checking out our Terms and Conditions page! The next few paragraphs include a lot of legal stuff that is important for you, your parents, and the TinaWells.com team. Read on!

Know that, upon becoming a user of this site, you are entering into a contract. The contract is between you and the TinaWells.com team and its affiliates. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, you cannot use the site. This Terms and Conditions document is a legally binding contract. You should review these terms of use periodically as they may be revised from time to time.

The content that we provide and display through TinaWells.com is only for your personal and noncommercial use, and it is intended only for informational and entertainment purposes. None of this content constitutes legal, financial, professional, medical, or healthcare advice or diagnosis and thus cannot be used for such purposes.

You may not circumvent or disable any content protection system or digital rights management technology used with any TinaWells.com content or service, or decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, or otherwise reduce any Tina Wells product or service; or remove identification, copyright, or other proprietary notices; or access any TinaWells.com content in an unlawful or unauthorized manner or in a manner that suggests an association with our products, services, or brands. By acquiring services or content through TinaWells.com, you represent and warrant that your access to and use of the services or content will comply with those requirements.

We own – or have the specific permission to use – all of the content, videos, and images that are on our site. You and all other visitors are not allowed to use anything from our site or anything that has been designed for or released to our site, unless you are given written permission to do so. This means that you cannot copy, reproduce, republish, modify, upload, post, transmit, or distribute in any way, such as but not limited to by e-mail or other electronic means, any content, videos and images whatsoever that are on our site now or in the future.

You and all visitors are not allowed to post or distribute material that you do not own or that you are not permitted to use. If anyone chooses to ignore these policies, he/she can be charged with a copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property rights violation.

Any submissions to TinaWells.com become the sole property of TinaWells.com and we do not and will not owe any compensation or other considerations for submissions. So, our team owns the content of the submission and worldwide copyright of the content of the submission for the life of copyright, and we can edit, rewrite, and use and reuse it in any way throughout the world and in any media that we now know about or may discover in the future.

The views expressed by users in posts and submissions are not necessarily views that are held by the TinaWells.com team and thus cannot be regarded as such, and we will not be held responsible for them. We maintain the right to remove any content received from a user that we deem in our sole discretion to be inappropriate and can edit or delete any content displayed on TinaWells.com.

TinaWells.com is not liable for any damages or losses that may result from your use of our site, and this includes direct, incidental, consequential, indirect, or punitive damages (and attorneys’ fees) from your access to and use of our site. Neither TinaWells.com nor any of its affiliates are responsible for the content of any websites accessible through or linked to this or any other of our sites.

By using TinaWells.com, you agree to protect and hold us harmless from all liabilities, claims, damages, losses and expenses that may result from the use of this service and site, your posting of any material to the site, and/or the transmission of any content through this service or site, and/or your breach of the terms of service set out in this contract.

Also, you acknowledge that content and services provided to you on our site, as well as all user-generated content and submissions posted on our site, are provided “as is” and “as available.” We disclaim to the maximum extent permitted by law all warranties relating to the site, whether express, implied, or statutory, including any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or title, warranties against infringement or interference with enjoyment, or warranties arising from course of dealing or usage of trade. Although our team works very hard to maintain our site and all of its services and content, we make no guarantee that this will be provided securely, timely, uninterrupted, or error-free. If you use the site or download any material from our site, you do so at your sole risk.

Of course, TinaWells.com – as both a personal website and a brand – is constantly evolving and will definitely change over time. So, if we make any material changes to this contract or to our content and services, we will provide you with reasonable notice and you will have the opportunity to leave this contract.

This Terms and Conditions contract between TinaWells.com and you is entered into in the United States of America and in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania and shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the United States of America and the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, exclusive of its choice of law rules. If any of the terms or provisions of this contract are held to be unenforceable by an appropriate court, those terms or provisions will be limited or eliminated, and the rest of this contract will remain enforceable.

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Build Influence. Lead the Industry.
Build Influence. Lead the Industry.
Build Influence. Lead the Industry.
Build Influence. Lead the Industry.
Build Influence. Lead the Industry.